Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're friends 'til the end, remember?

There are some movies that can't be remade... and it seems like the horror movie industry doesn't quite understand that. Halloween (2007)... oh boy... what a mess!!!!

However, there are some horror movies that didn't make quite the impression the first time around and I think they deserve another shot, right? I'm a personal fan of everyone's favorite killer doll, Chucky. I own all of the movies and watch them all the time.

I think this poster is pretty scary, right? Then again, it could be fake... Let's pretend this is the real deal.

I can't decide whether it's the subsequent movies that ruined the image for me, or whether they didn't create the right image from the beginning. I'm hoping that the remake (God only knows when that's set to come out) is frightening, because the original was sort of scary, but they could have made Chucky scarier if they just shut him up with all the wisecracks.

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