Monday, May 24, 2010

Toy Story 3 ... So excited!!

By now, everyone knows that a third installment of the Toy Story franchise is set to hit theaters on June 18, 2010. The reason why I'm excited is that the Toy Storyline (excuse the pun) is lighthearted and just plain exciting! I remember seeing the original for the first time back in '95 and ever since, I always wondered what goes on in my home when everyone leaves for the day... hmmmmmm...
So what I gather from the trailer is that... finally... Andy goes to college (*tear* I know how it feels) and he leaves all his old toys behind. Apparently his mother (although this lady clearly could never keep her nose of Andy's business or in this case, toys... I mean this is the lady who got Woody into that pickle in Toy Story 2) drops off Andy's toys at Sunnyside Daycare.

As with all Toy Story movies, the main goal is to get back to Andy, because this kid never gives up on his toys... even though he's in college now... I wonder if he gets girls... anyways... There are a few things I'm excited for after watching the trailer.

The first thing is the Barbie and Ken relationship (I shall refer to it as Karbie).
The second thing is that Buzz goes a little haywire (don't we all?) and turns into Spanish Buzz (a.k.a. Astro Nut as coined by Hamm)... Pixar is clearly reaching out to all demographics on this one.
Last but not least... First it was Sid, the demon child from next door, then it was Al, the creepy chicken guy from Al's Toy Barn, and now it's this purple teddy bear. I don't know, there's just something about a purple teddy bear with a cane that's a little offsetting.
I guess we shall see what kinds of obstacles this purple poof ball has in store for everyone's favorite play pals.
Gambling Toys... What has this world come to?

All I know is that I'm uber excited to see Toy Story 3!!!!!!!!

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